women and weight loss & older clients

No Pain, No Gain

women & weight loss

with Ford King


Q. Do you feel you struggle to lose weight?

Q. Do you struggle with hormone adaption (Your feelings towards motivation and exercise)?

Q. Do you just need that extra support for someone to help you understand your body and weight loss?

With every woman being different there is no 1 solution to suit all. There are a number of factors that can help you get back on track to achieving your health and fitness goals.

“Weight loss for a woman is all about understanding how each individuals body works”.

Key factors include training with a woman’s cycle and using this to achieve her strength and fat loss goals including the imbalances of hormones and the role they play in someone’s ability or inability to achieve fat loss.

Working together we can help you understand your body and how you can influence fat loss through changing behaviours and habits.

Ensuring your body is healthy, fit and active, we will make sure you get a balance of cardio and/or weights to maximising fat (Depending on goals).

Would you like to know any more information?
I’m always available to answer your questions.

The Gym

older clients

“We don’t stop exercising because we get old, we get old because we stop exercising.”

Exercise has countless benefits for those of all ages, including a healthier heart, stronger bones and improved flexibility. For seniors, there are additional benefits, like the fact that regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases, lowers the chance of injury and can even improve one’s mood.

Working together provides you with the support and encouragement to be in a safe trusting environment to workout and keep fit.

I will work with you on functional movement to make everyday activities always be a breeze.

I will ensure you aim towards your goals and help modify your program to suit your needs and requirements.

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